آشنایی با فرآیند های پلیمری – جلسه اول: قالب گیری بادی

برای دانلود جزوه آموزشی (آشنایی با فرآیند های پلیمری – جلسه اول: قالب گیری بادی) از لینک قرار داده شده در این نوشته استفاده نمایید.

History of Blow Moulding
Although plastics materials have been known since 1862, blow molding is not a new process.
There has been evidence found suggesting that Egyptians and Babylonians blew glass materials.
In the 1930s, plastics was blow molded for the very first time and was used for the production of hollow Christmas tree ornaments. Prior to that time, it was necessary to injection mold any hollow items in two separate parts and then either clip or seal them together with heat or adhesives.
The invention of low density polyethylene a few years later helped give birth to the new blow molding and plastic bottle industry. Progress and development was restrained until 1945, as all supplies of polyethylene were reserved for essential military applications such as radar antennas and connectors.
The very first recorded commercial plastics squeeze bottle marketed in the USA in the late 1940s. At about the same time, the first production of lightweight, unbreakable, blow-molded pharmaceutical bottles began in England.
It was quickly followed by numerous other packaging applications, including the well known
“Plastics Lemon,” which became an instant hit and marked the first time that any food item had been sold in a plastics container. In the 1950s, the advent of high density polyethylene (HDPE), which had vastly improved characteristics, gave rise to many new applications and a further impetus to the fast-growing blow molding industry.
History of blow moulding machine
Enoch Ferngren and William Kopitke were the first verified people who used the Blow Molding Process. The process principle comes from the idea of blowing glass. Ferngren and Kopitke produced a blow molding machine and sold it to “Hartford Empire Company” in 1937.
During the 1940s the variety and amount of products were still very limited and therefore blow molding did not take off until later. Once the variety and production rates went up the amount of products created followed soon there after. In the United States soft drink industry the amount of plastic containers went from zero in 1977 to ten Billion in 1999. Today even a greater amount of products are blown and it is expected to keep increasing.
Today’s need for high-speed, low cost and high quality mass production mandates the use of highly sophisticated equipment and many different types of processing machines are available. The process is now widely used for bottles from as small as 1/2 oz. to drums up to 60 gallons capacity, tanks, industrial items and medical devices, etc.

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